The Laptop Charging Unit is part of a comprehensive range of media tower lockers for a variety of smart devices which provides a secure method for charging up your laptops, tablets and mobile phones. You can choose from powered or non-powered, mobile or static, there’s a media tower to suit your needs. This range also incorporates a world class anti-bacterial powder coating.
Laptop Charging Unit
All doors are independently earthed to the locker body
One side of the locker and the doors are perforated to help prevent heat build-up during charging
Key-operated cam locks or Hasp & Staple fitting (for use with a padlock) fitted as standard
Choice of door colours
CE certified
Each shelf has an additional front-to-rear reinforcing box section to add strength
Each compartment is fitted with either one or two standard UK three-pin sockets
Powerlead is supplied with fitted RCD plug
The lead plugs into the In Charge Locker enabling easy replacement of the lead if damaged